Random Acts of Kindness


I believe in the power of random acts of kindness. My late husband, Paul Sykes, who I adored and unfortunately left this world prematurely, performed an entire evening of spoken word and music around the idea of random acts of kindness. He created the show over 22 years ago yet I remember how deeply moved I was when he spoke those words with such passion like it was only yesterday.

Tears welled up in my eyes and a slightly uncomfortable yet warm feeling began to grow in the center of my stomach. He was discussing violence in the world and how instantly one’s day could change when faced with either conflict or a violent act versus experiencing a random act of kindness or simply a smile from a stranger walking down the street.  The thoughts were so powerful that I could feel the experience in my body as if it were happening to me at that moment even though I was only thinking about a future potential. This reminded me how strong human interaction is each time, and that we get to choose the energy that we share.

The connection felt is so real and powerful when either another human offers you or you decide to offer kindness even in the most simple of ways. I truly believe we all need to remember to practice daily random acts of kindness, especially during these challenging times. How much effort does it really take to smile, to choose to think a happy thought, or send a silent message of love or gratitude to another person? It takes seconds and fills you with so much joy immediately. Love and learn, it’s real; it’s free. Together we can truly change the world one smile at a time. Stay safe, love much, and smile often!


Another Friday


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